Opportunity Prioritization

PICK Chart
PICK Chart
The PICK Chart is a matrix based on aligning an opportunity based on potential Benefit and the Effort it may take to implement the opportunity.  Can you dollarize the Benefit?  Yes, but you would miss out on cycle time improvements by removing some of the 8-Wastes.

P - Possible
The upper left quad is for High Benefit and High Effort opportunities.  These may take longer time or require more resources.

I - Implement
The upper right quad is for High Benefit and Low Effort opportunities.  These may be considered "low hanging fruit".  Opportunities that are higher in the upper right corner may be considered "fruit in the box that is ready to load onto the truck".

C - Challenge
The lower right quad is for Low Benefit and Low Effort opportunities.  These may be enabling opportunities or those that may be considered "Just-Do-Its".

K - Kill
The lower left quad is for Low Benefit and High Effort opportunities.  These need a hard look before going active.  Opportunities that are lower in the lower left corner should be dropped into File-13.

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